Friday, October 1, 2004

Baby, please hurry up!

I forgot how boring it was when there's no internet connection! So I had to buy a modem and make do with the dial-up internet connection. I'm praying that my baby would arrive early so that I would get to spend more time with her.

Yeah, I decided to name her "Shaynna Francine". But when my brother heard about it, he was ecstatic, thinking that I named my baby after him. And it struck me... there's no way I would name my baby after my brother! We always fight each other and I didn't want him to be flattered and all... so I am now searching for another name. But I'm retaining "Shaynna". ^-^

My brother's name is "Frances Glen". He was named after our grandparents.
Frances = from Eufracio and Cesaria, My father's parents
Glen = from Gleceria, my mother's mother

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