Sunday, November 7, 2004
Shaynna's Christening
Weeks before the end of my maternity leave, we decided to have Shaynna's christening. She just slept through the whole event.

Monday, November 1, 2004
Giving birth is really not a joke. However, if all the pains and discomfort after
birth are combined, labor pains couldn't compare. It took me more than 15 days to physically recover. Then there's the bust pains because Shaynna's now bottle-fed. The most difficult of all: depression. I don't know why I easily and often get depressed. I can't explain why I'm overly sensitive and always hot-headed. I'm gathering more strength to fight off these postpartum negative emotions... strength that I get from just staring at my little angel...
birth are combined, labor pains couldn't compare. It took me more than 15 days to physically recover. Then there's the bust pains because Shaynna's now bottle-fed. The most difficult of all: depression. I don't know why I easily and often get depressed. I can't explain why I'm overly sensitive and always hot-headed. I'm gathering more strength to fight off these postpartum negative emotions... strength that I get from just staring at my little angel...
Thursday, October 21, 2004
2nd Visit to the Pediatrician
Shaynna's cold and cough just disappeared but there's another thing that almost gave me a heart attack: she has some red, tiny spots in her face and her arms! Rashes? Allergies?
The doctor advised us to avoid using baby powder, baby oil, anything on that could be applied on the skin. (Of course I didn't applied any of these to her) We were also told to change the laundry soap used to wash her clothes. If these don't alleviate the condition after a day or two, we need to try switching to a lactose-free formula. Yes, sadly, "my milk" came in too late that when I tried breastfeeding her, she'd no longer take it. She got sooo used to her formula. (I forgot the name of the milk they gave her in the hospital.)
Days after, it became apparent that Shaynna, is indeed, not tolerant of lactose. We switched to S26 Lactose-Free.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
First visit to the Pediatrician
Shaynna is still a week old... but she already got colds... and cough! Plus, her skin color turned somewhat yellowish. This really freaked me out and brought her immediately to the pediatrician. We were given some very mild cough medicine and some sort of vitamins. (Sorry I already forgot the whole medication given)
Friday, October 15, 2004
Ok, it's time to bath little Shaynna... the problem was: my mother seemed to had lost her motherly skills and tricks! She had my younger sister 20 years ago... a good reason, don't you think? Yes? No?
Anyway, since it would also be my first time to give less-than-a-month baby a bath, we really should seek professional help... meaning, calling Shaynna's other grandma to help us out. Also, it was still a little bit hard for me to move around. After-birth pains, remember?
In the end, the team-up of two grandmas finished this very complex task and I just ended up watching the whole process. Maybe next time, I'd give it a try... if I'm no longer afraid to accidentally drop my baby. ^-^
Shaynna's bath time poses:

Anyway, since it would also be my first time to give less-than-a-month baby a bath, we really should seek professional help... meaning, calling Shaynna's other grandma to help us out. Also, it was still a little bit hard for me to move around. After-birth pains, remember?
In the end, the team-up of two grandmas finished this very complex task and I just ended up watching the whole process. Maybe next time, I'd give it a try... if I'm no longer afraid to accidentally drop my baby. ^-^
Shaynna's bath time poses:
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Hello, Shaynna Lexine
At 3:00PM, with my aunt's help, I agonizingly made my way to the nursery. God, after-birth pains were even more painful!
As we approached the nursery, we heard a baby crying sooo loud and laughed when I found out that it was my baby.
Everyone, meet Shaynna Lexine:
She weighs 6 pounds and she has this purplish birthmark in her ankle.
As we approached the nursery, we heard a baby crying sooo loud and laughed when I found out that it was my baby.
Everyone, meet Shaynna Lexine:

Monday, October 11, 2004
The Delivery
Around 12:30am, the labor pains became more frequent: around 15-minute intervals. I did my
best to ignore the pains so I kept talking and kidding with those who went with us to the hospital. I bravely put on a cheerful face that the nurse who kept on checking me couldn't believe that I am already in labor... and in so much pain!
By the way, there were about 5 women who "waited" with me: my mother, my grandmother, a neighbor (I consider her as my aunt), my aunt, and my baby's grandmother. There was only a single bed and a sofa in my room so look at how they "camped" in my room:
At around 1:30am, the pain came at 5-minute intervals that I could no longer put up a brave face. I was pretty sure that my face was already contorted with pain, and I asked the nurse to give me the anesthesia. A few seconds after the injection of those pain killers, I felt very dizzy and fell asleep. But from time to time, I would wake up from the extreme pain!
Almost 3:00am. The bag of water broke. At first I thought I peed due to the extreme pain but the doctor immediately called her nurses that it's time. I had to be transported to the delivery room but all-women that they were, they could not carry me to the stretcher! I had to ignore my pains for a while and roll over to the stretcher.
My mother went with me inside the delivery room. Even in the midst of labor pains, I reminded my mother to take pictures when my baby comes out!
Important reminder for expectant mothers: Don't tire yourself by pushing aimlessly. Wait for that time when you feel like the poop's coming out. Indeed, labor pains feels like you're having an extreme case of diarrhea, but five times more painful!
The pain dulled my senses and all I could remember was giving 3 strong pushes and the baby came out at 3:25am. I heard the nurse praising me for being good at pushing! haha! So easy for her to say... then I fell asleep again. Later on, the pain killer wore off and I woke up at the painful stitches the doctor was doing. Then I slept again. I woke up at lunch time just to eat then went back to sleep.
I did not place the pictures here when my baby was being cleaned up by the nurse because they might appear gross to you. ^-^
best to ignore the pains so I kept talking and kidding with those who went with us to the hospital. I bravely put on a cheerful face that the nurse who kept on checking me couldn't believe that I am already in labor... and in so much pain!
By the way, there were about 5 women who "waited" with me: my mother, my grandmother, a neighbor (I consider her as my aunt), my aunt, and my baby's grandmother. There was only a single bed and a sofa in my room so look at how they "camped" in my room:

At around 1:30am, the pain came at 5-minute intervals that I could no longer put up a brave face. I was pretty sure that my face was already contorted with pain, and I asked the nurse to give me the anesthesia. A few seconds after the injection of those pain killers, I felt very dizzy and fell asleep. But from time to time, I would wake up from the extreme pain!
Almost 3:00am. The bag of water broke. At first I thought I peed due to the extreme pain but the doctor immediately called her nurses that it's time. I had to be transported to the delivery room but all-women that they were, they could not carry me to the stretcher! I had to ignore my pains for a while and roll over to the stretcher.
My mother went with me inside the delivery room. Even in the midst of labor pains, I reminded my mother to take pictures when my baby comes out!
Important reminder for expectant mothers: Don't tire yourself by pushing aimlessly. Wait for that time when you feel like the poop's coming out. Indeed, labor pains feels like you're having an extreme case of diarrhea, but five times more painful!
The pain dulled my senses and all I could remember was giving 3 strong pushes and the baby came out at 3:25am. I heard the nurse praising me for being good at pushing! haha! So easy for her to say... then I fell asleep again. Later on, the pain killer wore off and I woke up at the painful stitches the doctor was doing. Then I slept again. I woke up at lunch time just to eat then went back to sleep.
I did not place the pictures here when my baby was being cleaned up by the nurse because they might appear gross to you. ^-^
Why are you here?
I was really tired from last night's ordeal that I slept until after lunch time. Then I noticed some bloody spots and was told that I'm on labor! The labor pains were not that frequent yet and were still neglible but I made preparations, anyway. I was really scared of the pain that I was going to face but I did my best not to think about it and practiced more those breathing patterns.
Night came, all I had were bloody spots and the labor pains were still negligible. But I prefer to wait in the hospital so at 9:00PM, I was already sitting in the Emergency Room of Mercy Community Hospital in Iligan City, signing some admission forms.
When I was led to the weighing scale, the nurse who assisted me asked, "What are you doing here? Why are you being admitted?" I just calmly answered, "I am in labor and I'm going to deliver this baby soon". He could not believe that I was already 9 months pregnant. My tummy was so small that you might think I'm still in my 6th month.
To the first-time mothers: I warn you that those dilation checks are really, really, unpleasant. For me, it was traumatic, and I wouldn't even try to describe it here. ^-^ Also, try not to mind the nurse doing the "clean-up" and other "preparations". I also asked for an all-women delivery team.
Then the waiting began...
Night came, all I had were bloody spots and the labor pains were still negligible. But I prefer to wait in the hospital so at 9:00PM, I was already sitting in the Emergency Room of Mercy Community Hospital in Iligan City, signing some admission forms.
When I was led to the weighing scale, the nurse who assisted me asked, "What are you doing here? Why are you being admitted?" I just calmly answered, "I am in labor and I'm going to deliver this baby soon". He could not believe that I was already 9 months pregnant. My tummy was so small that you might think I'm still in my 6th month.
To the first-time mothers: I warn you that those dilation checks are really, really, unpleasant. For me, it was traumatic, and I wouldn't even try to describe it here. ^-^ Also, try not to mind the nurse doing the "clean-up" and other "preparations". I also asked for an all-women delivery team.
Then the waiting began...
Sunday, October 10, 2004
My mother had to go to Cagayan de Oro and everyone in the house was going with her. So there'd be no one to look after me when the time comes. My mother figured out that it would be more convenient to take me along with her. Taking along tons of pillows for cushioning, I tagged along. We took one of our passenger jeepneys so we were able to go to the SM Mall in Cagayan de Oro City where I did my last-minute shopping.
On the way back to Iligan City, the driver (my Uncle Sonny) noticed that there's a problem with the engine. Later on, he decided to check it and park somewhere in between Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City. Unfortunately, it was impossible to fix it with the limited tools and there was no auto-shop nearby! The engine would no longer start so we are left with no option but get the other jeep to drag the defective one to Iligan city. My mother, my sister, and I could have went home ahead of the others but that could have cost too much. Plus my mother have to stay with the jeep because we didn't secure a permit to travel beyond Iligan City. This won't be a problem if the owner is IN the jeepney. So, I spent the night in the jeep, trying to sleep in a comfortable position (which was impossible).
At the break of dawn, the other jeepney arrived and we slowly headed back to Iligan City.
On the way back to Iligan City, the driver (my Uncle Sonny) noticed that there's a problem with the engine. Later on, he decided to check it and park somewhere in between Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro City. Unfortunately, it was impossible to fix it with the limited tools and there was no auto-shop nearby! The engine would no longer start so we are left with no option but get the other jeep to drag the defective one to Iligan city. My mother, my sister, and I could have went home ahead of the others but that could have cost too much. Plus my mother have to stay with the jeep because we didn't secure a permit to travel beyond Iligan City. This won't be a problem if the owner is IN the jeepney. So, I spent the night in the jeep, trying to sleep in a comfortable position (which was impossible).
At the break of dawn, the other jeepney arrived and we slowly headed back to Iligan City.
Friday, October 1, 2004
Baby, please hurry up!
I forgot how boring it was when there's no internet connection! So I had to buy a modem and make do with the dial-up internet connection. I'm praying that my baby would arrive early so that I would get to spend more time with her.
Yeah, I decided to name her "Shaynna Francine". But when my brother heard about it, he was ecstatic, thinking that I named my baby after him. And it struck me... there's no way I would name my baby after my brother! We always fight each other and I didn't want him to be flattered and all... so I am now searching for another name. But I'm retaining "Shaynna". ^-^
My brother's name is "Frances Glen". He was named after our grandparents.
Frances = from Eufracio and Cesaria, My father's parents
Glen = from Gleceria, my mother's mother
Yeah, I decided to name her "Shaynna Francine". But when my brother heard about it, he was ecstatic, thinking that I named my baby after him. And it struck me... there's no way I would name my baby after my brother! We always fight each other and I didn't want him to be flattered and all... so I am now searching for another name. But I'm retaining "Shaynna". ^-^
My brother's name is "Frances Glen". He was named after our grandparents.
Frances = from Eufracio and Cesaria, My father's parents
Glen = from Gleceria, my mother's mother
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Going Home
As I have apprehended, I was almost banned from boarding the ship (Trans-asia Shipping)! I told them that I secured a medical certificate from my ob-gynecologist proving that I am fit to travel. However, I could not find the certificate! I just assured them that I am telling the truth and that I'm gonna show them the certificate before the ferry leaves Cebu. I found it a few minutes later but they didn't ask me again about it.
The following morning, we arrived in Cagayan de Oro. We still had to travel by land for about 2 1/2 hours. It was a bumpy ride that I was afraid I'd go into a premature labor.
The following morning, we arrived in Cagayan de Oro. We still had to travel by land for about 2 1/2 hours. It was a bumpy ride that I was afraid I'd go into a premature labor.
Friday, September 17, 2004
My Assistants
My 2 siblings and my mother arrived in Cebu to fetch me. I have no plans of delivering the baby in Cebu. First, the delivery cost is very high, and it's hard to find someone to help me take care of the baby.
So that I won't have any problem upon boarding the ship, I went to my ob-gynecologist, had my final checkup and got a medical certificate from her that I am still fit to travel and board a ship.
Since I already received my maternity pay, my mother and my siblings went to the mall to do THE shopping. I was really surprised that baby stuffs could cost too much! But it's ok, I've always loved buying baby stuffs... more so that I was buying for my baby.
So that I won't have any problem upon boarding the ship, I went to my ob-gynecologist, had my final checkup and got a medical certificate from her that I am still fit to travel and board a ship.
Since I already received my maternity pay, my mother and my siblings went to the mall to do THE shopping. I was really surprised that baby stuffs could cost too much! But it's ok, I've always loved buying baby stuffs... more so that I was buying for my baby.
Saturday, September 4, 2004
I've done some preparations... but not buying things for the baby. I already applied for maternity leave early this month. Haven't bought even a piece of clothing so I am very grateful that she's waiting for her 9th month, unlike me. I was really impatiently and went out of my mother's womb 2 months earlier. So I was born on January instead of March. ^-^
What I am doing right now in the office are all temporary projects... so I am not at all busy. Just killing the time until I leave for Iligan where I'll be spending my 2-month maternity leave!
What I am doing right now in the office are all temporary projects... so I am not at all busy. Just killing the time until I leave for Iligan where I'll be spending my 2-month maternity leave!
Friday, August 20, 2004
The Name Game
I still haven't decided my baby's name. So Guia, my officemate, suggested to temporarily call her "Watashi", the Japanese word for "me/I". My officemates are also as excited as I am so they created a forum for baby name suggestions.
These are the ones that caught my interest:
1. Ross Elise - Suggested by Nathan. This name sounds so classy...
2. Francine
3. Shaynna - suggested by Rocroc. I think this is a French word. I'm not really sure... but it does mean "beautiful".
Anyway, I'm already bent on giving my baby a two-word name like mine. ^-^
These are the ones that caught my interest:
1. Ross Elise - Suggested by Nathan. This name sounds so classy...
2. Francine
3. Shaynna - suggested by Rocroc. I think this is a French word. I'm not really sure... but it does mean "beautiful".
Anyway, I'm already bent on giving my baby a two-word name like mine. ^-^
Sunday, August 1, 2004
The baby seems to be moving a lot lately and it's really weird when she does that. It feels like my stomach lining is being scraped from the inside. Ticklish but a little bit painful.
Also, there are some sort of "ripples" formed in my tummy's surface when she moves. It's really amazing feeling life growing inside me... but A, my baby's father, found it creepy so he was afraid of touching my belly when she moves. ^-^
Also, there are some sort of "ripples" formed in my tummy's surface when she moves. It's really amazing feeling life growing inside me... but A, my baby's father, found it creepy so he was afraid of touching my belly when she moves. ^-^
Monday, July 19, 2004
Vitamins Recommended by my ob-gynecologist:
1. Ferrous Sulfate (forgot the medicine's brand name)
2. Caltrate Plus
I also need to drink Anmum at least twice a day. But it's ok because Anmum tastes like Sustagen... my favorite drink!
I also had to change my Ferrous Sulfate twice because the first two gave me hyper-acidity. At first I thought it was just normal but when I asked my ob-gynecologist about it, she gave me another one and told me to inform her if the reaction's still the same.
1. Ferrous Sulfate (forgot the medicine's brand name)
2. Caltrate Plus
I also need to drink Anmum at least twice a day. But it's ok because Anmum tastes like Sustagen... my favorite drink!
I also had to change my Ferrous Sulfate twice because the first two gave me hyper-acidity. At first I thought it was just normal but when I asked my ob-gynecologist about it, she gave me another one and told me to inform her if the reaction's still the same.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Swollen Legs and Others
I may sound like I am complaining, but I am not. I just want to detail what I am going through with the hopes of "warning" the ladies what to expect during pregnancy.
My legs are already swollen but I don't get cramps as often as my mother predicted. I searched the internet for more information and it seems that eating banana is helping me a lot!
Morning sickness became bearable and I could also eat better now but I easily get full. Despite all these, I couldn't stop eating! My mother often reminds me to suppress my appetite or the baby will grow big inside. Then I would definitely have a hard time giving birth. But this didn't stop me from drinking coke float. I couldn't seem to get through the day without a sip.
At night, I don't get enough sleep because I need to pee almost every hour! And it's now harder to rise from the bed...
My legs are already swollen but I don't get cramps as often as my mother predicted. I searched the internet for more information and it seems that eating banana is helping me a lot!
Morning sickness became bearable and I could also eat better now but I easily get full. Despite all these, I couldn't stop eating! My mother often reminds me to suppress my appetite or the baby will grow big inside. Then I would definitely have a hard time giving birth. But this didn't stop me from drinking coke float. I couldn't seem to get through the day without a sip.
At night, I don't get enough sleep because I need to pee almost every hour! And it's now harder to rise from the bed...
Saturday, July 10, 2004
At Work
My eyelids are always so heavy! I'm doing everything to keep me awake... including reading online different parenting tips. The articles on the baby's development are very interesting... but still, I seem to be yawning every second!
I couldn't drink coffee but I always have this urge to eat banana, dipped into the peanut butter. At lunch time, I usually go to the Mc Donald's to buy Chicken Mcdo and Coke Float. At present, these foods are the only ones that I could eat without throwing up.
Physical exercises, eh? My small apartment is only about 15 minutes on foot, so I make it a point to just walk my way home as a form of exercise. ^-^
I couldn't drink coffee but I always have this urge to eat banana, dipped into the peanut butter. At lunch time, I usually go to the Mc Donald's to buy Chicken Mcdo and Coke Float. At present, these foods are the only ones that I could eat without throwing up.
Physical exercises, eh? My small apartment is only about 15 minutes on foot, so I make it a point to just walk my way home as a form of exercise. ^-^
Monday, July 5, 2004
It's a Girl!
I went to my ob-gynecologist today and was told that everything's fine. Like me, the baby is healthy, too (based on what she got from the ultrasound). As usual, I find that gel they rub in my tummy gross (it's very sticky!). On the other hand, I had to muster all my strength to prevent the tears from flowing upon seeing the image on the screen. My ob-gynecologist asked me if I wanted to know the baby's gender and I said yes. She explained that since there's no body part that's "sticking out", she's almost 100% sure that it's a girl!

Sunday, June 20, 2004
No to Garlic
For weeks, I've been waking up with the urge to throw up. And I think I am getting thinner.
I couldn't help it... it's just that everything tastes so yucky, especially those foods with garlic! Everything that goes in, goes out...
I couldn't help it... it's just that everything tastes so yucky, especially those foods with garlic! Everything that goes in, goes out...
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